
I wandered with my wife along the beach of the north shore in the Turks and Caicos Islands. The overcast layer on the horizon daunted any hopes of a brilliant sunset. The skies were a dismal gray. Then as discouragement was about to settle in, the sun peaked through, brightening up the ocean surface. The colors blazed in all directions --- It was so difficult to decide upon which direction to compose the shot. It was then I saw the sun's rays glistening on the west sand before me, and decided upon this shot.
File info: 1407-4-7081 [2:3]
Author: Chad Dutson
Photo size: 0.7 Mpixels (2 MB uncompressed) - 683x1024 pixels (2.3x3.4 in / 5.8x8.7 cm at 300 ppi)
Photo keywords: beach, blaze, burst, caribbean, chad dutson, coast, dusk, evening, glow, island, islands, landscape, light, nature, ocean, oceanscape, paradise, perspective, rays, reflection, sand, sea, seascape, shore, sun, sunset, tci, tropic, tropical, turks, turks and caicos, twilight, waterscape, wave, waves, wild, wilderness